Keywords: Transformer, Generative Artificial Intelligence, Statistical Translation Machine, Sequence Generation, Self-Attention.
Development of transformer is a far progressive step in the long journeys of both generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) and statistical translation machine (STM) with support of deep neural network (DNN), in which STM can be known as interesting result of GenAI because of encoder-decoder mechanism for sequence generation built in transformer. But why is transformer being preeminent in GenAI and STM? Firstly, transformer has a so-called self-attention mechanism that discovers contextual meaning of every token in sequence, which contributes to reduce ambiguousness. Secondly, transformer does not concern ordering of tokens in sequence, which allows to train transformer from many parts of sequences in parallel. Thirdly, the third reason which is result of the two previous reasons is that transformer can be trained from large corpus with high accuracy as well as highly computational performance. Moreover, transformer is implemented by DNN which is one of important and effective approaches in artificial intelligence (AI) in recent time. Although transformer is preeminent because of its good consistency, it is not easily understandable. Therefore, this technical report aims to describe transformer with explanations which are as easily understandable as possible.