Reviewers are essential contributors to the publication
process, offering impartial evaluations of submitted
Timely feedback from reviewers is crucial, focusing on the
manuscript's relevance to the journal, originality, and proper
citation of relevant literature.
Reviewers assess the clarity and appropriateness of the
methodology, ensuring that conclusions align with reported
They evaluate the execution of statistical analyses and the
overall comprehensibility of the manuscript, even in cases
where English proficiency may be imperfect.
Technical accuracy is a key responsibility, involving a
thorough check of scientific notations, equations, figures,
diagrams, and references for errors.
The 'Double-blind' peer-review process conceals both authors'
and reviewers' identities, reducing biases in the evaluation.
Reviewers Opinion
Major or Minor Revision:
Reviewers may suggest major or minor revisions based on factors
such as English comprehension, references editing, and figure
Reviewer Rejection:
Manuscripts can be rejected if they present a misrepresented
approach or unproven scientific concepts.
Well-written submissions that significantly contribute to existing
knowledge in the respective field are accepted.Exceptional papers,
recognized for innovation and thorough research, become valuable
../assets in advancing scientific progress.
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Philadelphia Pike Claymont, Delaware 19703,USA